Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh về các loại cấu trúc đầy đủ có đáp án

Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh về các loại cấu trúc đầy đủ có đáp án

Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc nắm vững các thì trong tiếng Anh. Hiểu rõ cách sử dụng và thực hành đúng ngữ pháp giúp bạn tự tin giao tiếp. Hãy cùng khám phá và thử sức với các bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh có đáp án mà SEDU English sắp chia sẻ dưới đây, để từng bước nâng cao khả năng sử dụng thì một cách thành thạo. 

1. Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh về các thì tiếng Anh

Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng anh về các thì cơ bản trong tiếng anh
Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng anh về các thì cơ bản trong tiếng anh

Chọn đáp án đúng với dạng của động từ trong ngoặc

  1. What time _______ (you/usually/have) breakfast?
  1. do you usually have
  2. did you usually have
  3. are you usually having
  4. will you usually have


  1. By the time Jane arrived at the party, everybody _______ (leave).
  1. left
  2. leaves
  3. was leaving
  4. has left


  1. I _______ (read) that book last week.
  1. read
  2. am reading
  3. will read
  4. have read


  1. They _______ (live) in Paris for five years before they moved to London.
  1. lived
  2. are living
  3. have lived
  4. had lived


  1. I’ll call you when I _______ (arrive) at the airport.
  1. will arrive
  2. arrive
  3. arriving
  4. am arriving


  1. By the time she finishes the project, she _______ (work) on it for six months.
  1. works
  2. worked
  3. will work
  4. will have been working


  1. She _______ (study) French for two years before she moved to France.
  1. studied
  2. is studying
  3. has studied
  4. had studied


  1. If you _______ (see) John, tell him to call me.
  1. will see
  2. see
  3. seeing
  4. have seen


  1. She _______ (not like) coffee until she went to Italy.
  1. doesn’t like
  2. didn’t like
  3. hasn’t liked
  4. hadn’t liked


  1. By the time they _______ (arrive) at the party, the cake _______ (disappear).
  1. arrive/disappeared
  2. arrived/disappearing
  3. arrives/will disappear
  4. arrive/will have disappeared


Đáp án:

  1. A) do you usually have
  2. A) left
  3. A) read
  4. C) have lived
  5. B) arrive
  6. D) will have been working
  7. C) has studied
  8. B) see
  9. B) didn’t like
  10. D) arrive/will have disappeared


2. Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh về câu điều kiện

Chọn đáp án đúng với dạng của động từ trong ngoặc

  1. If he _______ (study) harder, he would have passed the exam.
  1. studied
  2. studies
  3. had studied
  4. would study


  1. If she _______ (come) to the party, she will meet many interesting people.
  1. come
  2. comes
  3. came
  4. will come


  1. If I _______ (have) more money, I would travel around the world.
  1. had
  2. have
  3. will have
  4. would have


  1. If they _______ (not/rush), they wouldn’t have had the accident.
  1. not rushed
  2. didn’t rush
  3. hadn’t rushed
  4. wouldn’t rush


  1. If you _______ (visit) New York, you should see the Statue of Liberty.
  1. visit
  2. visited
  3. will visit
  4. had visited


  1. If he _______ (know) about the party, he would have come.
  1. knows
  2. knew
  3. know
  4. would know


  1. If we _______ (not/be) careful, we might get lost in the forest.
  1. not are
  2. were not
  3. are not
  4. not were


  1. If the weather _______ (be) nice, we’ll have a picnic tomorrow.
  1. will be
  2. is
  3. was
  4. were


  1. If she _______ (not/come) to the meeting, I will be disappointed.
  1. not comes
  2. didn’t come
  3. hadn’t come
  4. won’t come


  1. If you _______ (tell) me earlier, I would have been able to help.
  1. tell
  2. told
  3. had told
  4. will tell


Đáp án:

  1. A) studied
  2. B) comes
  3. A) had
  4. C) hadn’t rushed
  5. B) visited
  6. B) knew
  7. B) were not
  8. B) is
  9. B) didn’t come
  10. C) had told


3. Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh mệnh đề quan hệ

Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng anh chi tiết về mệnh đề quan hệ
Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng anh chi tiết về mệnh đề quan hệ

Chọn đáp án đúng với dạng của các từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành câu

  1. The book _______ (I/read) last week was very interesting.
  1. who I read
  2. which I read
  3. where I read
  4. whom I read


  1. The student _______ (answer) the question correctly will receive a prize.
  1. who answers
  2. whom answers
  3. which answers
  4. whose answers


  1. The car _______ (she/buy) last month is a hybrid.
  1. who she bought
  2. whose she bought
  3. which she bought
  4. whom she bought


  1. The movie _______ (we/watch) last night was a comedy.
  1. which we watched
  2. whom we watched
  3. where we watched
  4. whose we watched


  1. The restaurant _______ (he/suggest) is famous for its seafood.
  1. which he suggested
  2. who he suggested
  3. whom he suggested
  4. whose he suggested


  1. The woman _______ (son/win) the award is my neighbor.
  1. whose son won
  2. whom son won
  3. which son won
  4. who son won


  1. The artist _______ (paint) that mural is very talented.
  1. whom paints
  2. which painted
  3. who painted
  4. whose painted


  1. The company _______ (I/work) for is based in New York.
  1. who I work
  2. which I work
  3. where I work
  4. whom I work


  1. The book _______ (author/write) is a bestseller.
  1. who author writes
  2. whose author writes
  3. which author writes
  4. whom author writes


  1. The city _______ (we/live) in is known for its vibrant nightlife.
  1. which we live
  2. where we live
  3. whom we live
  4. whose we live


Đáp án:

  1. B) which I read
  2. A) who answers
  3. C) which she bought
  4. A) which we watched
  5. A) which he suggested
  6. A) whose son won
  7. C) who painted
  8. B) which I work
  9. C) which author writes
  10. B) where we live

4. Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh cấu trúc so sánh

Trong tiếng Anh cấu trúc so sánh sẽ được sử dụng với mục đích so sánh hơn, so sánh nhất hai hoặc nhiều sự vật, hiện tượng về một phẩm chất, đặc điểm nào đó.

Chọn đáp án đúng với dạng của các từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành câu

  1. This book is _______ (interesting) than the one I read last week.
  1. most interesting
  2. more interesting
  3. interestinger
  4. interestinger


  1. She is _______ (talented) musician in the band.
  1. the most talented
  2. most talented
  3. talenteder
  4. talentedest


  1. My brother is _______ (tall) person in our family.
  1. the taller
  2. taller
  3. tallerer
  4. tallest


  1. This restaurant is _______ (expensive) than the one downtown.
  1. more expensive
  2. expensiveer
  3. the most expensive
  4. most expensive


  1. Her presentation was _______ (good) of all.
  1. better
  2. the best
  3. the better
  4. gooder


  1. The weather this summer is _______ (hot) than last summer.
  1. hottest
  2. the hottest
  3. hoter
  4. the hotest


  1. His car is _______ (fast) one in the race.
  1. fast
  2. faster
  3. the fast
  4. the faster


  1. This exercise is _______ (easy) than the previous one.
  1. easiest
  2. the easiest
  3. easier
  4. the easier


  1. She speaks English _______ (fluently) than her sister.
  1. more fluently
  2. fluenter
  3. the most fluently
  4. fluentest


  1. His performance was _______ (impressive) among all the contestants.
  1. impressiver
  2. the most impressive
  3. the impressivest
  4. more impressive


Đáp án:

  1. B) more interesting
  2. A) the most talented
  3. D) tallest
  4. A) more expensive
  5. B) the best
  6. A) hottest
  7. D) the faster
  8. C) easier
  9. A) more fluently
  10. B) the most iimpressive


5. Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh cấu trúc wish

Cấu trúc wish trong tiếng Anh được sử dụng để diễn tả những mong ước, ước muốn về một điều gì đó không có thật ở hiện tại, hoặc giả định một điều ngược lại so với thực tế.

Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng anh đa dạng về cấu trúc wish
Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng anh đa dạng về cấu trúc wish

Chọn đáp án đúng với dạng của các từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành câu

  1. I wish I _______ (know) the answer to that question.
  1. know
  2. knew
  3. have known
  4. will know


  1. She wishes she _______ (have) more time to study.
  1. have
  2. had
  3. has
  4. having


  1. We wish he _______ (come) to the party last night.
  1. come
  2. came
  3. comes
  4. is coming


  1. They wish they _______ (be) able to attend the meeting.
  1. is
  2. are
  3. was
  4. were


  1. He wishes he _______ (not/forget) her birthday.
  1. didn’t forget
  2. doesn’t forget
  3. hasn’t forgotten
  4. wouldn’t forget


  1. She wishes she _______ (win) the lottery.
  1. wins
  2. won
  3. will win
  4. winning


  1. I wish I _______ (not/lose) my keys.
  1. didn’t lose
  2. don’t lose
  3. haven’t lost
  4. won’t lose


  1. They wish they _______ (be) on vacation right now.
  1. are
  2. were
  3. have been
  4. will be


  1. We wish we _______ (visit) that museum.
  1. visit
  2. visited
  3. visiting
  4. will visit


  1. He wishes he _______ (understand) the lesson better.
  1. understand
  2. understood
  3. understanding
  4. will understand


Đáp án:

  1. B) knew
  2. B) had
  3. B) came
  4. D) were
  5. A) didn’t forget
  6. B) won
  7. A) didn’t lose
  8. B) were
  9. B) visited
  10. B) understood


Trên đây là một số bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh có đáp án cho một số nội dung ngữ pháp mà SEDU English biên soạn. Hy vọng thông qua những bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh này, các bạn có thể cải thiện được kiến thức của mình. Hãy dành thời gian cho việc làm bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh để đạt được trình độ thành thạo và mở ra cánh cửa cho những cơ hội mới trong học tập và công việc.

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